Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stop the K12 Dropouts

Every year millions of students drop out of school with no hope of pursuing or completing a college degree.  In many cases these students are the first person in their family to consider college.  If America is going to thrive in the 21st century, we must be willing to change our lack of investment in education.  This is a national crisis that must stop.  We need innovative ideas to get students who believe in the value of education.  Too many students sit in classes where they indicate that they lack curiosity. If you would like to be a part of the National Campaign to reduce the number of K12 student dropouts share your comments.  Also you can contribute to this effort at  Here are some ideas to reduce the dropout rate:

1.  .  Create a 9th grade summer institute to help students to transition from middle school to high school.

2.  Create class rewards that are based on class attendance for the month.

3.  Establish relationships with companies whose internship opportunities will be based on class attendance and performance

4.  Identify mentors who can work with students who are at risk of dropping out

5.  Assign students projects in based on their career interest.

6.  Get local sports teams to donate tickets for students who have a good attendance record

7.  Create peer mentors who can work with students who are transitioning from middle  school to high school

8.  Identify teachers who are willing to spend additional time with students who are thinking about dropping out

9.  Provide tutoring for students who may feel overwhelmed by certain subjects

10.  Survey students to uncover the consistent reason why students drop out and work with teachers to address the problem.

Stopping the dropout rate will require commitment from all aspects of the community.  We need more mentors, corporate involvement and parents who will position students to get the help that they need.  Students need to be given the motivation to come to school because they see a job opportunity that will result from their attendance.  The school that these students attend need to be a place that can help students to overcome their deficits and to see the possibility of postsecondary education.  It will take greater input from government officials who even open up their offices as resources for internships and summer jobs.  In order to change communities the dropout problem must be eliminated as a standard choice for too many students.  If everyone is working together we can end up with more K12 and college graduates.  Dr Stephen Jones is a speaker, author and workshop presenter at


  1. This is pure common sense. Thank you for sharing this information.

  2. this purely great am so grateful when i read your information
    an so glad its full of sense
